Feasibility study is an essential when an investor interested to setup a healthcare facility or extend the facility scope of services or reengineering the facility. This will help and know the first step to complete the project with a need assessment, demand on the services, and market required.

When an investor has an innovative idea or concept and this will make your facility expansion or growth as new line of scope of services but feel this expansion or new line of services profitable? Do have enough confident to invest on this project? Can your project secure your finance or investment? The feasibility you may require either of the following reasons

  • Establishing new healthcare facility
  • Acquiring the existing facility
  • Adding new scope of services and specialty
  • Assess the potential for success of the current healthcare facility for reengineering
  • Understand and Identifying new scope of services and market needs and patients’ wants
  • Change of plan of the facility considering major changes
  • Understand and identifying and SWOT with risk on the facility
  • Other reasons which you have as unique and unified requirements.
  • Daman insurance empanelment
  • DOH require subject to your project viability and feasibility
  • New business partnership agreement

CBA team is an industry expert with well qualified to support for your requirement for your feasibility study with survey including existing investors, facility managers, admin staffs, and patients. Once you have the feasibility at your fingertips, you will have a clarity and understand the benefit of the investment and utilize the resources to setup new facility or existing facility operation or restructure. The benefits of feasibility study not limited to

  1. Realistic justification and data collection on the feasibility study will give an impression of either continuing the project or temporary hold or permanently closing.
  2. Implementation process on the place can save time, money and utilize resources.
  3. Conclusion and recommendation will give the solution on the project, you may increase or narrow down the business and or finding alternatives
  4. Increase the probability of success on your project in the short time period.
  5. Building a good team and enhance the focus on task assigned work.
  6. Create a visible feature plan on expansion and business growth.
  7. Identifying new wings, specialty, scope, and department opportunities and implementation.
  8. Investor attraction and funding the project for expansion.

Healthcare sector is one of the growth industry. We are providing the feasibility to all type of facility start from homecare services, medical center, aesthetic center, research center, drugs or medical store, daycare surgery center, and hospitals. From the investment pint of view, the feasibility study has content mostly not limited to

This domain explains the demand, supply, competitors’ analysis, and viability of the facility.

This domain expresses the key assumptions of the project, required minimum investment and financial performance

Facility design as per regulatory complain on functionality, efficiency on workflow, and aesthetics view for patients’ attractions.

Marketing planning and costing, minimum employee hiring, salary planning.

Policies and procedures, guideline, approval from regulatory, license procedures, inspection requirements, fine-tune scope of services, and EMR, and security on information technology.

Stabilization of the current business and treats, financial viability and cash flow, budgeting and forecasting.

Regarding your feasibility study request kindly send the inquiry, our consultant will contact you as soon as possible.

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